Hi Karla,
Thank you so much for inviting me to share
a little bit about myself on your blog. I’ve been writing for almost forty
years, starting when I was just a little girl when I would write stories about
gnomes in little notebooks (which I still have!). I gravitated to writing about
the Amish genre because my heritage is Anabaptist and I find the Plain culture
Unfortunately, there is often a
misconception that Amish fiction books are poorly written and just formula
romance. And then there is often a problem concerning many authors’ accuracy of
the portrayal of Amish. Many authors do not have first-hand experience with the
Amish or readers are basing what they know on “reality” shows.
Earlier this month, The Matchmaker, the
second book in my Amish Classics series, was released. It is the retelling of
Jane Austen’s classic book, Emma. Based in an Amish setting, my Emma follows
the same trials and tribulations of Jane Austen’s Emma. She thinks a little too
highly of herself and those around her. She is quite happy to express her
opinions, often when she shouldn’t. Personally, I love Emma as a character
because she is so real. Let’s face it…she’s flawed. Aren’t we all? But her
flaws get her into a few situations that will make the reader chuckle. That’s
the best part of retelling Jane Austen’s novels: She had the greatest
Many of my regular readers tend to stick to
just the Amish genre. I often hear that it’s because these books are clean and
godly. However, so are the classics. By combining the Amish genre with classic
storylines, I’m hoping to enlighten readers so that they might consider other
genres, such as the classics, for their TBR pile! I want to reassure them that
it’s all right to explore Christian books, too. There are so many great books
outside of the Amish genre that will open up an entire world to readers, and
also might help them differentiate between well-written books and those that
are not.
you would like to learn more about The Matchmaker and visit other tour stops
here is the link to take you to the Blog Tour List.
Preiss family emigrated from Europe in 1705, settling in Pennsylvania as the
area's first wave of Mennonite families. Sarah Price has always respected and
honored her ancestors through exploration and research about her family history
and their religion. At nineteen, she befriended an Amish family and lived on
their farm throughout the years.
As a
masterful storyteller, Sarah Price prides herself on presenting an authentic
Amish experience for her readers. Many of her stories are based on actual
people she has met and her own experiences living among the Amish over the
years. Sarah now resides in Morris County, New Jersey with her family.
she started out as an Indie author, she signed on with Realms, an imprint of
Charisma House and Waterfall Press, an imprint of Brilliance Publishing. Her
first book, First Impressions: An Amish
Adaptation of Pride and Prejudice was
released in May 2014.
the latest news about Sarah Price on Facebook, Twitter, and sarahpriceauthor.com.
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I thought that I had read the best Sarah Price book ever, when I read "First Impressions", however , I was mistaken! I believe this new book is THE best, well, until she writes another new one! This author has a very special and different talent. She can remake a Jane Austen tale into one with an Amish setting and Amish characters. Who else could possibly take "Pride and Prejudice" and come up with a believable Amish tale? Now, once again Sarah has succeeded in retelling "Emma" in this new creation, "The Matchmaker". A perfect setting and a very different look at Amish life!!
The main character, Emma, was one who made me angry, made me chuckle, irritated me beyond belief, all in one chapter with her judgmental attitude. At the beginning of the book, I just wanted to shake some sense into this young lady!! She appeared to be a meddling busy body, always involved in someone else's love life, totally ignoring her own well being and happiness. My opinion did change as I read on in the book, thank goodness, or I would have been up in arms throughout the whole story. To me, a good book is one that enables me to identify with at least one character. This book met my qualifications with no problem. Gideon, a close friend of Emma's dad, was one of the few people who could put her in her place and make her think. He was kind, well meaning and showed his care for her by stepping and stopping her from making some REALLY big mistakes. Sarah`s ability to picture and understand the characters is outstanding. I became part of this story!!
The plot moved quickly with unexpected twists and turns withing every chapter. It was believable and realistic. It makes you realize that just because someone lives in an Amish community does not mean that they are exempt from the problems of everyday life. How they deal with them may be different but these individuals are human too. They make mistakes as do we!
I highly recommend this book to those who are tired of the ordinary, predictable Amish genre. Sarah Price is a writer with great imagination and puts her own twists in her creations.
Definitely a five star book!
This book was provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.