By Victoria Bylin
Every parent's nightmare- a Lost Child Warning blares over the mall's PA system!! Carly Mason, an employee at one of the stores, discovers the little playing with a stuffed rabbit. Carly notices that there is something different about this little girl, Penny. As a former social worker, she recognizes that the child suffers from fetal alcohol effects and Carly's past confronts her. She has made the promise to herself to never again become personally involved with a needy child. Too many risks!! But Penny's obvious needs , as well as her very handsome dad, tug at Carly's heartstrings.
Dr. Ryan Tremaine is struggling to regain a normal lifestyle. His ex wife has remarried, on a trip, his two teen sons and Penny are living under his roof for the present time. Ryan has made a commitment to reconnect with his children. His first challenge is to hire Carly to be Penny's nanny! Will she let her heart tell her what to do??
Ryan never dreamed that he would be so attracted to Carly, a feeling that both he and the young woman are fighting. Can Carly keep his family intact and have a true loving relationship??? OR will a romance only complicate things more????
My Thoughts:
This book appealed to me from the moment I read the synopsis on the back cover and looked at the beautiful cover. As a woman, mother, and teacher, I easily was able to identify with Carly. The characters were well described and so realistic. I became one with Carly and felt her every emotion. The needs , challenges, hurts and battles became my own!! I just wanted to give her a big hug and encourage her to keep trying!!! Ryan, another main character was one that I wanted to shake at times, to wake him up to all that he had and how lucky he was. However, I also understood his problems and the battles that he had to fight within. He was a man to be admired for his will to fight for his family.
The plot was fast moving and heartwarming. There were twists and turns that kept the reader captivated throughout the story. It is a true romance, but also an informative book. The author deals with the difficult subject of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in a kind , delicate manner. In my career in teaching, I encountered such children. As much as I loved them, they are a challenge and make life very complicated for a family. Victoria described the symptoms of FASD in an educational as well as emotional way. VERY REALISTIC and true to the birth defect.
A great read !! Definitely a five star book!!
This book was supplied by Bethany House and Graff Martin Communications in exchange for a fair and honest review. Now available from your local bookseller.