By Jan Drexler
Hannah Yoder, a young Amish girl, loves her quiet, peaceful life on the banks of the Conestoga Creek. The year is 1842 and Lancaster County is a perfect place to reside- except- problems lurk beneath the placid facade. Hannah makes an attempt to be the person who can bind the threads of her family together, in spite of them unravelling in front of her. Her father is worried, mother is depressed and sister is rebellious! She has a giant sized obstacle to overcome to achieve peace. As Hannah tries, HER world begins to fall apart.
Every Amish girl's dream is to find the perfect mate to marry and raise a family, however, this is where Hannah encounters a problem! TWO young men seek her hand in marriage. One offers the home she so deeply desires while the other promises the adventure of following God's call to move to the west. Hannah must make a choice! Which man would make her happy??? Will she stay true to her family or defy her father and abandon the life that she has known??? No easy answers appear!!!
As Jan Drexler was a new author to me, I had no idea what to expect. Would this book meet my criteria for a "good" book?? I must say, it certainly did!!
The characters are described in such a realistic and thorough manner, that I could easily identify with them . I felt Hannah's every challenge, heartache and disappointment. As I read , each character became special to me in her/his own way. I was immersed in their culture and family life. Hannah's choice became mine!!
The plot is well developed and moves along at a steady pace, keeping the reader engaged until the end of the book. There are just enough twists and turns to keep one's interest. I must admit that I was on an emotional roller coaster alongside Hannah. I loved, and yes, even hated at times, the challenging situations caused by human nature.
I definitely will be watching for Jan's next book. This is a book that avid readers of Amish Historical fiction will love!!
This book was supplied by Revell and Graff Martin Communications in exchange for a fair and honest review. Now available from your local bookseller.
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